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Schedule for Starting a Complete Baby Layette Month by Month!

When I discovered I was pregnant, an overwhelming excitement took over me. All I could think about was starting the shopping.

At that time, I didn’t follow any schedule for making a complete baby layette, so I had no guide to help me plan, given the many details to be decided, purchased, and prepared.

Through my research (which became more frequent after Estevão was born), I noticed there is a nice way to schedule baby layette shopping month by month.


By doing your baby layette shopping this way, you can even rest in the last month of pregnancy, which is wonderful, isn’t it? So, let’s get to the schedule:

1st Month

During this period, focus on yourself. We can’t ignore that the chances of miscarriage in the first 10 weeks are significant.

Therefore, effective purchases should only be made after the 3rd month. At this stage, concentrate on reading books, blogs, and even pregnancy journals.

There are also many interesting apps (I used this one during my pregnancy) like “My Pregnancy & My Baby Today” (BabyCenter).


There are also many exclusive products for pregnant women and highly recommended books. You can find products for pregnant women here, through this guide.


The selection of books can be found at this other link. Remember, these are nine very useful titles not only during pregnancy but also in many other stages of the motherhood journey. Check them out.

The idea of this schedule for starting the baby layette was exactly to “remember” to take care of yourself instead of concentrating all your energy on baby shopping!

2nd Month

You can start taking care of your skin this month. The focus here is to keep yourself always hydrated to avoid the dreaded stretch marks.

We know that hydration increases skin elasticity. I did this diligently during my pregnancy. I managed (I talk about this here) to drink 2 liters of water or more!

I also used a specific cream for pregnant women to prevent stretch marks daily. I tried many, but the one I liked the most was Hydra Mamy by Mantecorp.

I always carried this bottle with me and, from time to time, during work, I would go to the bathroom to pamper my belly with this cream!


Sunscreen is also very important. In this regard, I wasn’t loyal to any brand, but a facial sunscreen with at least 30 SPF is the minimum recommended.

Let’s not forget that pregnancy spots also appear at this stage!

3rd Month

Finally, if everything has gone well so far, you can officially start the baby layette! However, at this stage, you still won’t be sure about the baby’s gender, so it’s good to go slow!

It’s interesting to start buying items like a baby monitor, bedroom furniture such as a crib, dresser, and nursing chair.

Resumo do que comprar até o primeiro trimestre

You can even start buying some toys like a colorful mobile!


Deciding to buy these items now is interesting because it gives you more time for financial planning, allowing for better distribution of expenses, hence the importance of the schedule for making a complete baby layette.

4th Month

If you want to know the baby’s gender, this is the time. Now you can also find out how many babies are coming.

Focus now on deciding on details related to the nursery such as the crib, mattress, and sheets.

And don’t forget about yourself. It’s time to refresh your wardrobe! Buy maternity jeans, loose dresses, and tunics for the coming months.

The first baby outfits like bodysuits, pants, t-shirts, and sets are also bought this month.


5th Month

This month you will focus on items related to the baby’s hygiene, such as a bathtub, hygiene kit (scissors, cotton pots, nasal aspirator, etc.), mouth towels, swaddles, and cloth diapers. At this stage, leg swelling may be bothering you.


How about investing in elastic stockings? From now on, your belly will have a significant growth spurt, so it might be interesting to buy some suitable underwear for these changes!

6th Month

Let’s dedicate the shopping to outings (with your baby, of course!). Carefully choose the baby stroller!

Think also about choosing car seats/baby carriers. If you plan to carry the baby in a sling or baby carrier, now is the time to decide on the right model.

There are many accessories, like toys for strollers, stroller sheets/covers, maternity bags, and baby car seats that should also be considered at this stage of pregnancy.

A car sunshade, stroller mobile, and small rattles are examples of items I consider essential for the baby layette.

You can check out a stroller model and all the baby layette items in person and buy them online, with all the ease! I did this a lot!

Resumo do que comprar até o segundo trimestre

7th Month

The day you will see your baby’s face is approaching! We consider this month the last one for shopping from store to store.

So, gather everything you will need from the feeding group (milk storage containers, breast pump, milk powder container, breast shells, and nursing pads) and buy now.

Also, choose nursing bras. I bought about five! You will realize which model is ideal with use, as there are so many.

Interestingly, the schedule for making a complete baby layette actually starts with shopping for the mom, not the baby!


8th Month

Consider buying whatever is missing online. Also, purchase products with determined expiration dates, like shampoos, soaps, wet wipes, and diaper rash creams.

Check out reasons to create a neutral-colored baby layette.

At this time, the baby shower should be scheduled. But still, consider buying some newborn and small size diapers. Check out this list!

Resumo do que comprar até o primeiro trimestre

9th Month

Now is your waiting period. Do what you haven’t done until now, which is relax! The baby layette is ready! Rest and enjoy this last phase with your big belly, as you will miss it!

With the help of this schedule for making a complete baby layette, there’s even some time left for you to rest at the end of the pregnancy!

How was your schedule for making a complete baby layette for your child? Tell us in the comments!

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A list of Baby Stuff you must know: from diapers to strollers

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